Wednesday 16 June 2010

Weekend weeding and a thickening plot

Wednesday morning and i realise that i've got to put in some updates before the weeekend! So here is my report on our epic weekend of weeding, cleaning and growing. I say 'our' weekend but I must confess that i contributed a fraction of the time that Charlie and Shon did.
Shon deserves special credit. He weeded the veggie patch into a state that i've never seen it before. Mart, did you know that the soil is BLACK in the veggie patch? I alwasy thought it were green like the grass. My shock at discovering it was a different colour was palpable.

I understand Shon had fun trying to get a hoe from Hussein. The story goes like this: Shon asked Hussen if he had a hoe. Hussein looks at Shon blankly then runs into his shed and produces... A TROWEL! Shon says nope, so Hussein ducks back into his collection of tools and produces... A SPADE! Wrong again said Shon, making a kind of horseshoe shape with his hands. A hoe - for weeding?! Hussein enters his shed for a third time and produces HIS ENTIRE TOOL COLLECTION for Shon to examine. No hoe there. Amazingly a neighbour four gardens down had one (I'm not sure how Shon managed to establish this) but one was secured in the end. Hurrah. Or perhaps I should say Hoe-ray. After all this drama (plus a stubbed toe of the bloke who lends his hoe to us) it turns out that our soil is too wet for such gardening tools. Apparently the weeds will just reseed themselves unless the topsoil is v. dry. So the excellent results of Shon's weeding session were a lot of work on hands and knees, ripping the little weedy blighters out of our precious veggie patch.

The picture doesn't actually do it justice but i assure you it looks good...

The question remains - how does Hussein keep his own garden so impossibly weed-free?! Could he be more of a garden chemist than we originally thought? The plot thickens....

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