Monday 14 June 2010


Our cherry tree is definitely having a good year - hundreds of the little pink fruits are hanging off its leafy green branches. They look like oversized, slightly pink chickpeas, swaying gently in the wind. We've all been picking them - Charie and me especially. I took a bag over to Ruth's yesterday and we ate them (after a supper of sossidge and potatoes) out in their garden in a slightly chilly June evening breeze whilst Francie sat inside glued to the laptop, watching a world cup game. It's not just certain memebers of our house who are adicted to the blooming TV at this time of year. It was pretty funny actually, you could hear a slightly muffled northern grunt coming from the window where francie sat, as he ate his sossidges and watched the match. Ruth tells me that he's structured his entire revision plan around world cup matches - meaning that he often has to get up at 5am so that he can make up for lost revision time. That, my darling, is fanaticism at its zenith.

I'm actually just trying out this blog post thing so will stop writing now - but will update on more garden activiites soon.



  1. dear me those cherries look so scrumptious i am havving trouble not licking my computer screen... no I just actually did.

    back from sipping ice cold lager and plunging into the crytalline carribean sea. air filled with peaceful pelicans and salsa thumping from tinny speakers.

    team bum-worm encountered a mortally injured opossum on the way. car wheels screeched, and out we leapt, syringes at the ready (don't leave home without one) and blooded it where it lay.

    this country boy needs some country air, so thank crikey we are on our way today, although later than expected.... as expected

    let me know how i posts pictures and I'll have a crack too. xx

  2. Cor blimey, i'm not sure i carry a syringe with me at the moment - will have to add it to my collection of handbag essentials. After all, where is a girl without her vial of poison.

    Poor opossom though. Are you sure it didn't just hear Maikel coming and decide to top itself?

    Hope you're getting fine coutry air into those lungs of yours.

    As for pics - not sure. You might have to log in as me... will see if I can share the publishing rights. (sounds serious).

    x x x x x x x xx
