Wednesday 16 June 2010

Exciting adventures involving elderflower

Rest assured, weeding wasn't the only activity that we did over the weekend - our elderflower mission was incredibly successful thanks to the lending of a ladder from our friendly neighbours (thankfully, Hussein knew what a ladder was) and the roof of their shed.

The tree at the end of the garden is blooming with little elderflower heads but they're all rather out of our reach. Even with a ladder it was hard to get beyond the few pollen heavy blooms that hang from the bottomest branches. That was until we realised that the tree stretches right up over Hussein and Ahmed's tool shed - with what looked like hundreds of little elderflowers quivering with spring excitement.

Our ascent onto the roof was a rewarding experience. Not only did we manage to get over 80 elderflowers, we had a fine view of our jardin - and all those beyond it. We decided the new found was certainly the ideal spot for teenagers and a large bag of weed. I'm thinking that our Georgian friend who tried to feed us black liquorice hashish oil would have thoroughly approved.

The elderflower cordial is currently brewing in a box in the kitchen. We will try and save you some dere boye.

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